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The St. Lawrence bank viewed from Regard-sur-le-Fleuve Park

The bank of the great Saint Lawrence River shows traces of a tree that was torn away in more tumultuous times.


Vast changes occur in the ecosystem, due to dropping temperatures and shorter daylight time. Little by little, nature becomes more silent. It is calming down and preparing for its winter sleep.


At the end of the islands, above the Baies noires, we can see the broad expanse of Lake Saint-Pierre.


Seen from the air, the importance of wetlands can be fully appreciated.


A patchwork of almost pristine islands is at the heart of an environment that has been cleared for grazing and crops, especially corn.


The Saint-François River joins the lake, after its slow meandering through the land.


Towards the end of fall, the golden desiccated vegetation of the marshlands crackles underfoot. Its colour contrasts strongly with the steel blue hue of the water arms that weave their way through the land.

A few deciduous trees, now completely bare, appear to stand guard in this landscape that seems to extend forever.


The lake offers few obstacles to the strong winds that buffet it during this season, leading the plants in an endless dance.